discover the Eiffel Tower

Hi, I’m Tamara!

I love discovering things and it’s no secret that Paris is my favorite city in the world for all of its hidden gems. In my professional life, I am a creative entrepreneur. I work with people from all over the world, creating bespoke and custom experiences such as luxurious picnics at the Eiffel Tower. In my personal life, I am a foodie and make it my passion to discover new restaurants and recipes on the regular. I am constantly discovering all there is to offer in Paris, from rooftop bars and cozy cafés, to nightlife and events. When I’m not wandering the streets of Paris, I’m traveling to other corners of the world. You’ll enjoy this blog if you:

  • want to discover secrets, tips, and unknown corners of Paris
  • love to travel and constantly dream about your next adventure
  • want to know about trendy restaurants and/or try out delicious recipes
  • want to know what life is like living in Paris

If you stick with me, you’ll become a Paris guru, a smarter traveler, and feed your creative soul (and stomach). I hope that we’ll get to know each other and discover new things together by sharing openly as friends do.

About Me

I’m a California native who fell in love with Paris on a semester studying abroad. I know, how cliché.. but in all seriousness, Paris changed my life.

I’ve been living in Paris & working in the food and tourism industry for almost a decade. In 2015, after what seemingly was a burnout (but didn’t know it at the time), I relocated my whole life to Paris to be an au pair and just BE in the city that shook something awake in me in 2012. I went from working 3 jobs/80 hour weeks to a verrrry casual 16 hour/week babysitting gig after school. Needless to say, my years in Paris since then have been spent exploring the hell out of it, every day, like a palm reader might know their hand.


Paris is a place that changes (for the better) every single day. It’s something that feeds my flame and makes my passion for discovering this city more of a driven purpose. In addition to sharing my love & expertise of Paris to the world, I also independently run my own luxury picnic service. My clients come from all over the US and other anglophone countries but have one thing in common. They want to experience Paris the best way possible: With little fuss and once in a lifetime experiences. My picnics are what make my clients trust me completely with their future itineraries and food recs.

Paris has emphasised my love for exploring, enriched my cultural appreciation, nourished me with unforgettable meals, and continues to inspire me in every corner of my life.

I love Paris but, like you, I also want to explore the world through travel. My travel style is a bit spontaneous and laid back, and GOOD FOOD FOCUSED. The only itineraries I keep are based around markets and reservations. So if you love to explore the many flavors that different countries have to offer on a serious foodie level like me, then we’re soon gonna be best friends

Thanks for taking the time to learn a little about me and my blog. Feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in anything more or just feel like chatting! Here are some ways you can get in touch:

Best wishes,

Tamara ♥