Smiling girl sitting at a restaurant table

Let the adventure begin

Hi there!

I am so happy to see you here on my brand new blog. It has been a dream of mine for years to write about my experiences and share them with others like you. After quitting my full time job (and other two part-time jobs) in New York City, I moved to Paris to start fresh. I was overworked, depressed, and lost. It took me some time to connect with myself and uncover my dreams at their core, but here I am. I’m no longer overworked and depressed. I’m genuinely happier even with the stressful uncertainties at times and wearing of many hats to make ends meet. The difference is that I am doing these things for me.

Starting a new foreign life as a nanny

I kicked off my new life in Paris by working as a nanny for a French family that I found online. My dream for years had been to move back to Paris after I spent months here studying abroad in college. This was how I was going to take the first steps into making a life in France. I’d figure the rest out later. We can’t have everything figured out at once because our plans evolve as we go along.

The first few months I was elated. Having gone from 80 hour work-weeks to 20, I became a giddy adventurer. I was addicted to walking around the different neighbourhoods and noting down places. I had gotten incredibly lucky to have worked for that host family, two years just blew past me in the blink of an eye. Working as a nanny in Paris has a ton of benefits and is a great way to explore Paris as a foreigner, and I have also seen the very ugly side of it too, when I changed families in my third year. (I’ll get into more details about being an au pair in Paris in other posts.) In France, you are only allowed to have a visa as an au pair for two years, so at the end of mine, I had to assess my dreams and take the plunge into something else if I wanted to continue to stay in France.

Becoming an auto-entrepreneur in France

After a total by chance opportunity to decorate an apartment used as an Airbnb rental, and the realisation that finding a job and sponsored visa would be harder than I originally thought, I pushed forward with the opportunity of asking for a visa as a “micro-entrepreneur”. I won’t get into all of the details in this post, but I ended up with my own small business, Budrow Designs. Starting a business is something I hadn’t even had on my radar until I moved here. It is one of the things that I am grateful to France for. Living here as a foreigner pushes you to try different things and on so many levels. I am just at the beginning of a plethora of lessons. I plan to share as much helpful information as I can and be an open book about the challenges and rewards that come with this new venture.

A love for discovery

A big part of my love for Paris came from how much I had discovered while studying here. Not just about the city and its history, culture, and people, but about myself. Moving back here hasn’t changed a thing in that regard. To keep things interesting, this city changes on a regular basis. It’s a great reminder that its required of me too! I love this city for its variety and its ability to be so many different things. It makes it an endless discovery and I can’t imagine living anywhere else. My dream of blogging about the things I’ve uncovered here, and the opportunity to get out there and uncover more is where this adventure begins. I hope you’ll stick around and see me as your favorite tour guide, mentor, and adventure buddy. I can’t wait to see where this road takes us!

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♥ Tamara


I am a California native who settled in Paris as a creative entrepreneur in 2015. I work primarily as a trip planner and guide for people from all across the world. I share my expertise of Paris and love for beauty with my clients by creating bespoke experiences that are therapeutic and meaningful. From decadent picnics by the Eiffel Tower, customized private tours, photoshoots and marriage proposals, I strive to make every moment in Paris special for everyone. My purpose and passion in life is to lift the veil so others can experience that magic and connect with Paris on a deep and meaningful level. I believe that Paris can be explored as a reflection of the subconscious, revealing deep truths and beauty that we already hold within. This is where my intuitive sensibility and love of beauty and connection lead to my desire to guide.

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